Can't find what you're looking for?
How is Remote Health different from other insurance plans?
What is the company application time frame? How long before a company is signed up?
Is Remote Health insurance locally compliant?
How you can assist with benefit in-kind, or employee tax reporting requirements?
Do you have a list of countries where employer-funded medical insurance is classed as a taxable benefit, such as benefit in-kind?
How is Remote Health different from other insurance plans?
How many members do I need to open a plan?
What is covered in the base package common to all plans?
Where can I see the full policy?
Can members in a group plan choose their own plans?
Can we upgrade our plan mid-policy year?
Can we switch members between the Standard Plan and Premium Plan?
How does payment work?
When someone leaves my team, when does coverage end?
How much is the Hong Kong/Singapore add-on?
If a member passes to the next age band during their current policy year, does their premium go up?
Is Remote Health insurance locally compliant?
Can I cover my contractors and freelancers?
What happens after sign-up?
How do I submit a request to add a new member, add a dependent, or cancel the policy?
Do I need to add all my employees or contractors to the policy?
How will the activation email look when it goes out to our members?
What if we have an employee with a start date in the future, can we add them in advance, and will they be covered?
When you add a new team member to an existing group, how long is the delay to start the new members coverage? Is it pro-rated?
If an employee leaves our company but wishes to keep their health plan, will they be able to?
Are members able to pause their coverage over the 12-month period? What if they move countries?
What is considered a qualifying reason to cancel a plan for one of our members?
Can international freelancers get misclassified as employees if we get Remote Health for them?
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