You have the same coverage in 175+ countries.
Get treated by any licensed professional at any clinic or hospital, private or public.
Easy online claims that go straight to a dedicated team for super fast processing times.
Our amazing customer support team is available 24/7, with a response time of <1 minute.
Worldwide coverage for private or public healthcare in 175+ countries
per month for ages 18-39
Charges during hospital stay
Up to overall limit
Doctor and specialist visits
$5,000 outpatient limit
Wellness therapies
10 visits per year
$60 per visit
Mental Health Care
10 visits per year
$5,000 outpatient limit
Cancer tests & treatments
Up to overall limit
Physical therapy
$5,000 outpatient limit
Maternity care
10-month waiting period
$2,500 limit
Checkups & vaccines
$350 limit
per month for ages 18-39
Routine dental care
$1,500 limit
Vision care
$500 limit
Boosted coverage
$4,500 maternity care; $500 checkups & vaccines
No member cost for outpatient
0% co-insurance
We do not cover pre-existing conditions.
Add members and extra coverage to see how much Nomad Health will cost you.
Search below to check coverage.