Simplified, fast-track border access to 10+ participating countries

Crossing borders shouldn’t be hard. We make it easy.

Prepare your information

Gather the materials and documents you need to apply

Submit your application

Fill out our online form – it takes 10 minutes to complete

Get approved to travel

Receive a decision on your application within 30 days


The world’s first multi-country visa for remote work

Goodbye legal gray areas and hello pre-approved nomad travel! Live and work flexibly in 10+ countries, with more coming soon.

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Cross borders without the hassle

Quick, seamless entry at international airports. Skip the immigration queues with fast-track border access.

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24/7 support you can rely on

Dedicated, high-quality support from our global team. In your time of need, you should never have to wait on hold.

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What do other people say about us?

Nomad Border Pass is a game changer for digital nomads - one application, multiple countries, no more visa headaches.

Ali Abdaal

YouTuber & Entrepreneur

When you have a weak passport, travel comes with a lot of friction. Nomad Border Pass is the first step toward leveling the global playing field between people born in different countries.

Kach Umandap

Founder, 2MonkeysTravel

Nomad Border Pass will revolutionize the way our community approaches work, travel and borderless living. I've already joined the waitlist and couldn't be more excited about this incredible product!

Gonçalo Hall

Founder, NomadX



What is the Nomad Border Pass?

The Nomad Border Pass is a multi-country visa, allowing flexible remote work travel for nomads across participating countries.


How much does the Nomad Border Pass cost?


How long is the Nomad Border Pass valid?


Am I eligible to apply for the Nomad Border Pass?


Do I have to be in my country of origin or country or residence to apply?


Do I need travel or health insurance to apply?


Does the Nomad Border Pass cover my partner and/or children?


Will I become a tax resident of the countries I visit with the Nomad Border Pass?


Will new countries be added to the Nomad Border Pass in future?


What happens if I encounter a problem at immigration?

Join the waitlist to stay in the loop

Sign up below and we'll let you know as soon as applications for the Nomad Border Pass are open.

© Nomad Border Pass / 2023