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Shaping the future of global mobility

Our mission to standardize nomad visas across borders
Five years ago, the tiny European nation of Estonia planned to create a specialized visa for digital nomads. Estonia was already well-known for its innovative ideas on the future of citizenship and nations, and other countries observed Estonia's plans with interest but, for the most part, felt no urgency to follow in their footsteps. It seemed like an outlier effort soon to fade into obscurity.
The situation today couldn't be more different. By 2024, more than 60 countries— from Barbados to Malaysia, Croatia to South Korea, Argentina to Japan— had introduced a dedicated visa or residency permit for the fast-growing digital nomad demographic. While this shift is welcome and positive, the global mobility landscape remains a confusing place for digital nomads and policymakers alike— one filled with bureaucracy, complexity and friction.
SafetyWing has been at the center of the nomad movement since the beginning. Founded in 2018 by three Norwegian digital nomads, today we are 150 people from 45 different countries, and we have many full-time nomads on our team. This is why we're in a good position to share what we know and help shape the future— to build the bridge between what exists today and the world we want to see tomorrow.
Most nomad visas emerged in the frantic policy environment of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global travel was shut down overnight and enormous swaths of the world’s working population became remote. Suddenly, digital nomads were headlining news around the world, and many more people became aware of and started considering the lifestyle for themselves.
Governments needed viable solutions to boost their economies and support their citizens, and so their attention turned to digital nomads. Entrepreneurs, companies and nomads themselves collaborated to bring countries up-to-speed on the possibilities. Together, they envisioned an ambitious future for global mobility. It was a significant moment for the movement and its consequences are still emerging half a decade later.
With the right policies and technologies, we at SafetyWing believe it's possible to create triple wins for governments, local communities and nomads— and we're working hard to bring that vision to life through Plumia, our innovation lab focused on global mobility.
To that end, I’m delighted to share our nomad visas policy paper, which aims to establish an international standard for nomad visas. We want a nomad visa to become as easily accessible as a tourist visa, and to help countries leverage this unique opportunity to create economic prosperity, opportunity, innovation and collaboration on the ground.

A multilateral standard for digital nomad visas

Digital nomads have become a driving force behind entrepreneurial growth, work-life paradigm shifts, and cultural exchange. This highly skilled workforce crosses borders and brings innovation and investments with them. Countries around the world are beginning to tap into the opportunities created by nomads.

In this policy paper, you will find:
  • A concise definition of the term “digital nomad” 
  • An in-depth look at the benefits of attracting digital nomads 
  • A proposed comprehensive international framework for a specialized visa category


About us

SafetyWing is a technology company serving the digital nomad and global citizen community worldwide. We provide a global social safety net of health and travel insurance, and soon other insurance and financial products such as unemployment, disability, and retirement benefits, that work seamlessly across borders.
Plumia is the innovation lab of SafetyWing, focused on global mobility and internet countries. Our mission is to remove the role of geographical borders as a barrier to equal opportunities and freedom for everyone. We work closely with governments interested in the digital nomad movement to provide expert and data-driven insight, and build new products that facilitate borderless lifestyles.
Lauren Razavi

Lauren Razavi

Executive Director, Plumia
With a background in policy, government and media, Lauren leads Plumia, our innovation lab focused on global mobility and internet countries. She is author of the book Global Natives about the past, present and potential of borderless work, and has spoken about digital nomad visas and the future of passports at the United Nations, European Commission, The Next Web, Skift Global Forum, and others.
Lauren Razavi

Lauren Razavi

Executive Director, Plumia
With a background in policy, government and media, Lauren leads Plumia, our innovation lab focused on global mobility and internet countries. She is author of the book Global Natives about the past, present and potential of borderless work, and has spoken about digital nomad visas and the future of passports at the United Nations, European Commission, The Next Web, Skift Global Forum, and others.